Arduino Installation
In this project, the Arduino controlls the servo's, weight sensor and pump. The required installation will be described here.
Fetching the Git Project
The following commands are ran in Git Bash:
mkdir ~/Git && cd ~/Git
git clone -b main
The Git repository should now be located in C:\Users\User\Git
General Arduino
To install the Arduino, you'll have to download the installation online. After installing the environment, you should follow the circuit documentation to create the circuits required to make this project work. After that, you can plug the arduino into your laptop and the Arduino IDE will automatically detect the USB port associated with an Arduino connected to it.
Uploading Project
Under 'files', select 'open'. Find the 'arduino-uno/' folder on your machine that you've cloned with Git and open 'arduino-uno.ino'. Finally click on the publish button in the Arduino IDE after selecting the COM port associated with 'Arduino Uno'.
- HX711 Arduino library